Baffles are used to reduce noise generated by reverberation by means of absorption.
SGF has designed several types of baffles to suit a variety of environments, both from the acoustic point of view and in relation to the micro-climatic conditions in the place where the baffle is to be installed.
Depending on each individual case, therefore, the most suitable surface finish is recommended, such as:
- Metallic mylars (oil-resistant)
- Glass fibre polyurethane linings (emulsion mists)
- Sanitizable materials for the foodstuff sector
- etc.
A special frame, consisting of perforated, galvanized L-shape profiles, is used to hold the baffles, which are structured as follows:
- Perimeter frame in pre-painted metal or aluminium
- A flame-proof, sound-absorbing element with suitable protection
- Attachment hooks